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Energetic healing is a branch of alternative medicine that helps a person heal themselves naturally, by releasing blocked energy.  Energetic obstruction can arise from various causes, both injuries, fears, traumas, energetic disorders etc.  Releasing this energetic blockage allows the person to fullfil more of his or her natural potential, heal him or herself and fully maximize his or her life energy

Energetic Healing utilizes our natural life energy, which is the hidden force that nurtures and drives the universe. It affects our quality of life, our abilities to create, our thoughts, feelings, realtionships and overall quality of life. A healthy and fulfilling life is thus fully intertwined with a healthy energetic flow that reaches a person, a body or a situation  - without any obstruction

.There are various methods of energetic healing. At the base of all these methods is the understanding that everything that exists, contains and is surrounded by an energetic field (biofield). In these methods, techniques of sensing enregy fields of a given body or condition are utilized in order to maximize the healthy flow of energy to the space

The methods I use to conduct this treatment are completeley non-invasive, and occur by  tapping into the patient's energetic body remotely  – diagnose where any energetic obstructions exist, and conduct targeted treatment in order to release these obstructions, restoring the healthy flow of energy.  I do not need to be physically next to the patient in order to conduct this treatment –  and can sense and treat the person's energetic field regardless of their location

A few recent examples of treatments that I've conducted and their results include

  • Avoidance of spleen removal surgery leading to full recovery of a child
  • Full remission of Lupus (considered chronic disease by modern medicine)
  • Significant reduction in PMS pain and irregular flow issues
  • Healing of romantic, family or proffesional relationships – amending them from adverserial and contentious to loving and cooperative
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